
July 16, 2010

Free African Clipart 071610

free african clipart

Africa Development 071610

africa development

Economic Africa 071610

economic africa

Civil War Clip Art 071610

civil war clip art

Christian Clip Art 071610

christian clip art

Doggie Gravy

Doggie Gravy

Dog Food Recipe Ingredients:

    * 1 Boneless/skinless Chicken Breast
    * 4 Cups Water
    * 1 Cup Flour
    * 2 Whole Eggs

Dog Food Recipe Directions:

Boil chicken breast for about 1/2 an hour, remove to cool. Add flour to chicken water. Beat out lumps. Add pre-beaten eggs. Cook on low heat until it's done thickening. Pulverize chicken in food processor. Add to flour/egg gravy. May need to add more water. Unfortunately it won't freeze.



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