
April 8, 2011

Trump for President 040811

I feel like I’ve watched Donald Trump “grow up,” even though he is considerably older than me.  I can still recall images in my mind’s eye of a much younger Mr. Trump from about 25 years ago when the television media began paying more and more attention to him in view of his real estate endeavors. 

I can also recall there was something about him that I didn’t like, but that ideal on my part was never clear even to me now that I think about it:  The best I can think is that I didn’t like his cocky attitude, which is the same attitude that he tends to portray even today.  My apologies, though, because not liking someone just because of a cocky attitude is actually more akin to being a bigot than anything else.

All I can say is that I must have been more cynical as a younger man than I am today (although traits of cynicism usually get worse as a person grows older), because I have quite frankly grown very fond of Mr. Trump in recent years.  If it was the fact of his endearing cocky attitude that caused me to generally dislike him in the first place, then the fact of the matter is possibly as simple as humbly acknowledging that I am also a cocky person in my own right (e.g., even a drunk doesn’t like seeing another drunk).  The thing is, of course, that I am not able to nearly afford to hold a cocky attitude the way Donald Trump can afford it.

Learning about how Trump started on his road to massive wealth by literally saving his meager earnings from a “newspaper route” and purchasing teeny-tiny row boats to rent to sightseers out on the river really impressed the hell out of me.  This guy was (and is) truly a self-made man; and I knew I had to bite myself in the rear in making the humble realization that I apparently had a lot to learn.

I know a lot of the reason why I have grown so fond of Mr. Trump is for the same reason that so many other people like him a lot:  He has proven himself to be a tremendous performer and entertainer in view of “The Apprentice” television program.  Apart from really giving cause to demonstrate his incredible intelligence in being an apparent master of human psychology, I personally have found where his performances on The Apprentice prove that he is also a wonderfully sincere person, albeit even if he is cocky as hell at the same time.

But should Donald Trump end up running for – and being – the President of the United States of America?

Absolutely, I think he should!  We need another Kennedy-type gentleman in office: a man is who very smart, who is both cocky and witty, and who isn’t afraid of marrying women more than 20 years his junior and then asking people something to the effect of, “Why do you care?”

First and foremost, though, Mr. Donald Trump is the apparent epitome of what it means to be a street-smart businessman.  He has proven his business talents beyond any doubt when you look at his profoundly humble beginnings from delivering newspapers door to door, to where he stands today at the forefront of American business, American real estate development – and American entertainment media.

There is no better “type of person” than a street-smart businessman to lead this country straight out of the doldrums of this economic depression that we actually started into during the time of the Reagan Administration back in the 1980s.

Donald Trump is that “type of person” without a doubt.  He will run this country “like a business,” which is the ONLY way to run a country – and he knows it.

We couldn’t ask for a more endearing, sincere, smart, witty, business-savvy and cocksure candidate for the position of President of the United States than Mr. Donald Trump (and he knows it).




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