
July 28, 2010



Dog Food Recipe Ingredients:

    * 1 lb meat - ground beef, ground turkey, ground venison, etc.
    * 2c cooked BROWN rice
    * 2 cans veggies, or fresh veggies (about 3 cups)- broccoli, asparagus, sweet
      potatoes, green beans, carrots, spinach, kale
    * 2 hardboiled eggs chopped and shells crushed
    * 1 can of mackerel
    * 2 cloves of garlic, minced
    * chicken livers or gizzards, chopped (about $1.00 worth)

Dog Food Recipe Directions:

Pulverize veggies, either in a blender, processor, grinder, etc. Mix all ingredients together in a big pot. Add enough water to cover, mix well. Cover the pot and simmer for about 2 hrs, stirring occasionally. When it is done cooking, cool, and place into containers or baggies, enough for one feeding in each and freeze.  Simply get out in the morning to thaw in the fridge.



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