
May 2, 2010

Oil Spill to Extinct Life on Earth

According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, the leaking oil well in the Gulf of Mexico was never equipped with a remotely controlled shut-off switch, also called an acoustic switch.  The article goes on to further explain that United States’ regulators don’t mandate use of the remote-control device on offshore oil rigs.

How utterly amazing is that?  Apparently the cost of such an acoustic shut-off device is roughly in the neighborhood of a half-million dollars.  Yes, that means $500-thousand.  The replacement cost of the lost oil rig itself is slated at about $560-million, which equates the relative cost of such a safeguard as the acoustic switch with being less than one-thousandth (1000th) that of the overall value of the rig.

Here is a directly quoted sentence from the Wall Street Journal article: 

By 2003, U.S. regulators decided remote-controlled safeguards needed more study. A report commissioned by the Minerals Management Service said "acoustic systems are not recommended because they tend to be very costly."

Here is the link to the Wall Street Journal article in case you want to read it for yourself: 


Very costly?  What the hell kind of statement is that?  A half-million dollars is “COSTLY?”  Maybe I’m missing something here, but I didn’t think that a half-million dollars was anything more than “chump change” to these oil companies.

How can it even remotely be held as justified from a political standpoint – much less than from a standpoint of practicing good common sense and even practicing good business sense – to not mandate the legal requirement of such a safeguard when the cost involved amounts literally to “spare change” in terms of an operating expense?  Can you believe that you actually voted for people like Bush and Obama who wouldn’t use their pea brains enough to say something like, “Hey, wait a minute, we need to have this particular safeguard in place?”

Do you think that Bush and Obama drive around without “car insurance” on their vehicles?  Absolutely not!  That would be illegal.  (I actually can’t help but to start laughing right about now at this whole incredible picture.)  And on top of everything else, George W. Bush and his old man made their initial fortunes through the oil industry. 

The government will spend millions and millions of dollars to make last-minute repairs to the space shuttles so that the astronauts hopefully don’t end up dead from an exploding space ship, but expecting anyone to cough up a half-million dollars for an oil rig safeguard in the interest of preserving broad portions of the economy, the ecology and the lives of untold millions of people was apparently too much to ask in this case.

There is speculation being floated around that this particular oil rig mishap was intentional, including a theory that an unmanned drone submarine from North Korea was used to crash into the pipeline.  All I know for sure is that such an effective “terrorist attack” scenario would apparently not be a difficult task to pull off in any event.  Additionally, it is in the apparent absence of any explanation being offered as of late for how the explosion occurred in the first place that I would think a cause for concern of a possible terrorist attack should at least be entertained.

In any event, and since the past is actually dead and gone in this case, I have a prediction for what is going to come about as a result of this particular oil spill mishap; and whereas such prediction is primarily focused on a sense of gut instinct and a general sense of dread on my part.  Possibly my prediction will turn out to be all wrong, but it goes something like this…

An attempt is going to be made at manually plugging the hole by some methodology.  This attempt will fail and rather than to even stem the flow of oil out of the well, it will end up further rupturing the well, thus resulting in the opening of a literal flood gate of escaping oil.

An effective analogy to this scenario is that of attempting to stem the flow of blood from a severely ruptured femoral artery in a person’s leg before the person ultimately bleeds to death within a matter of minutes, which is not possible.  Hence, this arterial flow of oil into the ocean will then become unstoppable; and the ensuing flow of oil will stop only when the oil reserve is depleted.

My premonition here suggests that there is a tremendous amount of oil in the well, possibly equaling upwards of 200-million barrels or more.  In any case, my premonition suggests that there is at least enough oil to effectively pollute ALL THE WATERWAYS of the earth within one or two years.

The forthcoming flow of oil will succeed in polluting the entirely of the Pacific Ocean, as well as the Atlantic Ocean and will become inclusive of all fresh-water waterways (i.e., all the rivers) of the earth. 

Ground water reserves will subsequently become polluted and the only available fresh water that will exist will be in the form of water-storage supplies that people have on hand in the short term.  It will then be through the course of otherwise normal and expected weather patterns that oil residue will become seeded into the clouds and will create ongoing downpours of heavily polluted rainwater on a worldwide basis.  

The obvious effect of relentless downpours of polluted rainwater will be with the destruction of most of the earth’s plant life.  Food crops will no longer grow.  Pollination will cease. 
As a layer of oil eventually permeates the surface area of all bodies of water on the planet, it will then result in an exorbitant amount of heat retention being induced by way of direct sunlight.  In this way, and whether concerns for global warming are actually real or fabricated in the current day, those concerns will become very real in the next one to two years when super-heated oceans and other waterways in this case will result in exponential melting of the earth’s glaciers, including that of the earth’s North and South Polar Regions.

At least for the most part, if not completely, my premonition here suggests that the human race will fall extinct by not longer than ten (10) years from now.



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