
March 5, 2010

Stuffed Pumpkin

1 (5 to 6 lb.) pumpkin
3 tbsp. hazelnut oil
6 ribs celery
1 medium leek, diced
3-4 cloves garlic, minced
1 pkg. smoked tofu
1 cup mushrooms, cubed
2 cups cooked wild rice
6 cups bread, cubed
1 cup dried cranberries or currants
1 cup hazelnuts
1/4 cup fresh sage or 2 Tbsp dried sage
1 tbsp. poultry seasoning
1-2 cups vegetable stock
2 tbsp. melted butter
1 tbsp. tamari (optional)
1 egg, 2 egg whites or egg substitute equal to 2 eggs (optional)
Ground pepper to taste

Remove top from pumpkin, "jack-o-lantern" style. Scoop out seeds and strings, leaving hollowed shell to stuff. Oil skin lightly, if you like. Set aside. Heat oil in wok or large skillet and saute celery and leek until limp. Add garlic and continue cooking. Next add mushrooms and saute until done, about 5 minutes. Add tofu and heat through.

Add wild rice, bread and cranberries or currants and stir to mix. Coarsely chop hazelnuts and add to mixture. Add seasonings and optional ingredients as you choose. Mix together. Add more stock or use eggs if you like a moister dressing; skip the eggs or use less stock if you prefer a drier one.

Stuff into pumpkin and bake at 350°F for about one and one half hours, until stuffing is heated through to the center and pumpkin is fork tender.

SERVES 8 as a main dish. Serve with mushroom gravy.



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