
March 31, 2010

Shroud of Turin Fraud

Past DNA testing of the cloth makeup of the Shroud of Turin has suggested that the blood is in fact of a male human; but supposedly the DNA is degraded to the point that many specific performance tests related to DNA symbiosis cannot be quantified. However, I find this latter argument to be highly suspect in view of greatly advanced, modern-day DNA testing enhancements that can actually "recreate" a full DNA string model based on the availability of only a very small sampling of actual genetic material.
The compendium here for writing such a fully-encoded DNA string model with far less than a full set of DNA pieces to the puzzle is - as a matter of principle - nearly the exact equivalent measure of this 3-D computer generated imagery that produces a full image of a body underneath the Shroud otherwise lacking dimension.

The same basic scientific approach is used (and has been used for decades) to recreate full models of dinosaurs by way of assembling bits and pieces of fossilized dinosaur remains.  In short, you take a few pieces of the real puzzle and use those pieces as a reliably dynamic composite to assume the shape and configuration of the surrounding pieces that are missing; and then you artificially manufacture the missing pieces to create the whole model. 

With all the known flaws, pitfalls and apparent contradictions of carbon-dating methods set aside, there really are no known similar flaws when it comes to DNA testing.  So why aren't these scientists spending their efforts to build a full facsimile DNA model from the remaining DNA material that is said to have survived on the cloth material of the Shroud of Turin?  And while we're at it, why don't we ask this same question of Microsoft founder, Bill Gates, since it was about 10 years ago when he set out on a personal mission to fully map the billions of DNA code strings present in the human genome in much the same way that he invented the WINDOWS operating system for computers. (Leave it up to good old Bill, right?)   

My personal strong presumption is that Christ held highly specific DNA coding that was completely uncharacteristic of any other human being existing at any time either before, during, or after his lifetime; and excepting other than to assume his DNA could be shown to be of a human composite nature based on purely general characteristics.  One very simple reason to assume this ideal is given in view of the argument to suggest that Christ was conceived in the womb without the use of human sperm; and whereas that type of "Holy Birth" circumstance (I am assuming) would easily guarantee that the DNA composite of Jesus Christ is totally removed in terms of its broader organic characteristics and aspects when compared to the DNA of any other humans – and human remains – throughout the history of mankind. 

If I am correct, then to look at his DNA with the knowledge that the DNA is human would be the equivalent of a scientific discovery within the field of genetic research unparalleled by any other DNA-related discoveries.  Finding such a DNA sample (of the Lord) would be a hallmark discovery completely unlike any other.  And I certainly do believe that the scientists looking at such a sample WOULD KNOW that it did not come from any other known human DNA specimen that was ever previously scrutinized underneath a microscope.

I suspect there are about two (2) reasons why the scientific community is not concentrating its publicity efforts on the obvious question and answer scenarios surrounding accurate DNA testing in this case:

1) They have already discovered that the DNA sampling remaining on the Shroud of Turin is indeed unlike that of any other DNA sampling ever found, which would thus present a very strong argument that the blood is almost certainly that of Jesus Christ.  As such, they don't want to tell anyone about this fantastic discovery, because it would cause too much of a worldwide stir - both politically and socially - for a number of reasons.

2) They already know the DNA is nothing to get excited about; that it was the blood of a common peasant who was crucified on a cross, just like Christ and hundreds of other men were crucified during that period in history; and they are simply allowing this "myth" to survive and circulate for the benefit of Hollywood movie companies and everyone else who enjoy being amused with watching 3-D documentaries and other 3-D movies (e.g., AVATAR) dealing with supernatural curiosities.

Whatever the circumstances, my best overall assumption, both generally and specifically, is that the scientific community has a great deal more conclusive information regarding the DNA values found on the Shroud of Turin than is being released to the public.



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