
March 19, 2010

Quick Rouladin031910

1 tbsp. dry chopped onion
1 tsp. parsley flakes or 1 tbsp. fresh parsley, chopped
1/2 tsp. salt
5 slices bacon, cooked & crumbled
1/2 c. soft bread crumbs
1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 c. (1/4 lb.) mushrooms, cleaned & chopped
5 cubed beef steaks
1/2 c. grapefruit juice
1 c. beef bouillon
1 (10 1/2 oz.) can mushroom soup
3 tbsp. fresh onion, chopped

Combine onion, parsley, salt, bacon, crumbs, Worcestershire sauce and 1 cup chopped fresh mushrooms. Place equal portions of stuffing on each cube steak. Roll up steaks; fasten securely with wooden toothpicks or tie with string. Dredge rolls in flour. Brown well on all sides in hot oil in skillet. Place rolls into pressure cooker containing grapefruit juice and bouillon. Pour mushroom soup over top. Cook 20 minutes. Arrange rouladin on serving platter.



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