
February 17, 2010

Oriental Stir Fry Cabbage Medley

1 med.-sized head cabbage (about 2 lbs.)
2 med. sized carrots
1 green pepper
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 tsp. salt
Soy sauce (optional)
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. sugar
1/4 c. chicken broth or water
1/2 tsp. oriental sesame oil

Coarsely shred cabbage, cut carrots in match stick pieces, and cut pepper into 3/4 inch pieces. Set aside.

Heat oil in wok or skillet over medium-high to high heat. Add salt and garlic; stir-fry 5-10 seconds.

Add cabbage, carrots and pepper; stir-fry 10 seconds. Lower heat and stir in sugar and chicken broth. Cover; steam 2 to 5 minutes.

Add sesame oil; toss well. Serve with soy sauce if desired. Makes 6 servings.



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