
February 1, 2010

Homemade Peach Cobbler

2 1/2 pounds ripe, juicy peaches (about 4 cups sliced)
3/4 cup of sugar
4 drops almond extract
pinch of cinnamon (optional)
2 tablespoons butter
biscuit top (below)

Preheat oven to 425°F.

Peel peaches by dipping into boiling water for about a minute then slip off skins. Slice into wedges, discarding pits. Place in a shallow 6 cup baking dish or casserole, sprinkle with sugar and almond extract. Dot with butter and cover with rolled out biscuit dough (see below) for top.

Biscuit Top:

1 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 cup butter or shortening
1/2 cup milk minus 1 tablespoon

Whisk together flour, salt and baking powder. Cut in shortening using a pastry blender or two knives, or your fingertips. Stir in milk, all at once, stirring with a fork until dough clings together. Pat or roll out dough to 1/4" thickness and place over peaches. Trim edges, crimp or flute to seal. Cut a hole in the top center for steam to vent.

Bake in hot 425° oven for 15 minutes, then reduce to 325°F. Bake for an additional 10 to 15 minutes, or until peaches are cooked and top is golden.

Serve warm with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.



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