
February 3, 2010

Grilled Quesadillas

For 1 quesadilla:
2 tortillas
1/4 c. sliced olives
1/4 c. chopped chicken, pork etc.
1/2 c. shredded cheese
small amount chopped dry onion and green peppers,(hot peppers can be used if desired)
spicy tomato sauce
multiply above ingtedients to make more than one.

Chop and mix filling ingredients together.

Preheat electric grill.

Butter one side of each tortilla.

When grill is hot, lay one tortilla on grill, buttered side down. Spread filling across the tortilla and cover with the other pre-greased tortilla---buttered side up.

Lower the lid of the grill and cook until tortillas have browned and cheese has melted. About 5 minutes.

Serve with tomato sauce.



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