
February 27, 2010

Fresh Made Pasta

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3 large eggs
2 tsp olive oil

Place the flour in a large mixing bowl or on a flat work surface and form a well in the center. Beat the eggs and oil together and pour into the well. Using a fork, begin mixing the flour and egg mixture in the center of the well, gradually working towards the outside of the mound of flour as the ingredients are combined. When the mixture becomes too stiff to work with the fork, begin incorporating the ingredients with your hands until a ball of dough is formed. The dough should be firm enough to handle and not sticky. Adjust the consistency with additional flour or a few drops of water if necessary. Alternately, the ingredients may be combined in an electric food processor and processed until a ball is formed. Knead the dough by running it through the pasta machine set on its widest setting six or seven times, folding the dough in thirds after each pass and dusting lightly with flour if the dough becomes sticky. After kneading the dough should be firm and have the texture of smooth leather. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let it rest for 3 hours.

To make noodles, cut the dough into 6 pieces and roll through the pasta machine set on the widest setting several more times, folding in thirds and dusting lightly with flour if needed to prevent sticking, then begin decreasing the width by one notch with each successive pass through the machine until the dough has reached the desired thickness. Most noodles require the thinnest setting, but thicker noodles such as spaghetti require only the next-to-last setting on the machine. Let the dough dry for about 15 minutes and then pass through the cutting mechanism on your machine, or cut by hand. The cut noodles may be cooked immediately, or may be frozen or dried and stored for several weeks in an airtight container. To dry, roll the noodles gently into small balls or simply allow to dry flat.

To cook, boil at least 4 quarts of salted water for this recipe. Add the pasta to the boiling water and stir gently. Fresh pasta, even when dried, cooks much faster than commercially dried pasta. Depending on the thickness of the noodles, the pasta will be done in as little as 5 seconds; and in no case should it take longer than 1 minute to cook after the water has returned to the boil. Test the pasta frequently and drain it in a large colander as soon as it is tender but still firm. Makes about 1 lb.



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