
February 20, 2010

Brandied Fruit Starter

1 (15 1/4 oz.) can pineapple chunks, drained
1 (16 oz.) can sliced peaches, drained
1 (17 oz.) can apricot halves, drained
1 (10 oz.) jar maraschino cherries, drained
1 1/4 c. sugar
1 1/4 c. brandy

Combine all ingredients in a clean, non metal bowl, stir gently. Cover and let stand at room temperature for 3 weeks, stirring fruit twice a week. Serve fruit over ice cream or pound cake, reserving at least 1 cup starter at all times.

To replenish starter, add 1 cup sugar and 1 of the first 4 ingredients every 1 to 3 weeks, alternating fruits each time, stir gently. Cover and let stand at room temperature 3 days before using. Yield: 6 cups. Apricot or peach brandy may be substituted, if desired.



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